astuce reproduction discus

(Donc aucun risque pour qu'il soit frère et sœur). To improve your chances of growing out discus that will pair up, it is best to get 10 or more in a larger 65 to 100 gallon tank. Le but de cet article est de rappeler les actions ou opérations incontournables et indispensables. You may want to put more discus fish in the tank to improve your chances of pairing a male and female. Typically you would want a bare bottom tank, meaning no gravel or decorations in the tank. that way, you can remove them and care for them without any worry of the parents eating them. The aggressive could include cornering a specific discus fish and shaking in front of him or her. Get the best deals on Live Aquarium Discus Fish when you shop the largest online selection at Use Big Tank Water wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Using an air valve can help control how much air flows into your sponge filter and reduces how much turbulence is in the water column. ☹️ To create this article, 17 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Discus are usually less fond of feeding at the surface. I like how you put things into insightful details in order to allows your audience to get an understanding of the breeding process. Contaminates such as arsenic, lead, fluoride, chromium and just about everything else is trapped and removed from your water. If a smaller tank is more your style, you can stock them with small schools of neon tetras, danios, guppies and cory catfish. Remove the surface eggs were attached to, if the fry attempt to feed from it. 93 Followers, 108 Following, 76 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Vitalya Santé (@vitalyasante) Sometimes it can take all of these steps, sometimes it's just one or two small changes to get it right. (Astuce : La mettre la veille au réfrigérateur dans une boîte hermétique avec un couvercle) Pour 10 discus d’une taille de : - 6,5 à 12 cm, environ ½ à 1 blister (2,5-5 g) par repas ce qui correspond à … Use a medium slow bubble on the air stone to get the frozen baby brine shrimp moving around the aquarium, or the fry may not recognize it as food. Sometimes it can take all of these steps, sometimes it's just one or two small changes to get it right. Having uncommon strains would be a good idea, but the price increases with the rarer ones. Discus fan their eggs to prevent eggs from developing bacteria. Some say beef heart, others frozen bloodworms and some will use live food like blackworms. (exemple d'un de mes bacs, bonne lecture! Use Water from Larger Tank Vous y trouverez des conseils pour leur maintenance et des astuces pour leur élevage. Discus breeding pairs will do better if there is not a lot of traffic walking by and if possible located at about chest to head level. Le couple est formé d'un achat dans le commerce pour la femelle et d'un male d'un achat plus ancien. Dans la reproduction depuis 25 ans peut être… Installation-fishroom : Fishroom avec un bac de 600 L un 300 L et 2 bacs coupés chacun en 2 de 240 L pour la reproduction . What you want to do is provide clean and accessible surfaces for discus to tend to eggs. For example, my water pressure was too low in my home and it would take all day to produce enough RO water for my discus tanks, after introducing a water booster pump, it only took an hour, maybe two. Breeding the same type is better because you will get same type of fries with the same strain, which will have some demand in the hobby. Home / Discus Strains Stock List Updated: 12/23/2020 Price varies according to strain and size, so simply click on the photo of your desired fish and select the size from the option menu to see availability and prices. We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state. Here are few tips to help with the move: Breeding tanks should be bare with the exception of perhaps a breeding cone. To breed discus, you'll need a spacious aquarium that holds at least 67 gallons of water, as well as at least 2 discus fish. Discus fish care starts from their aquarium that must not be less than three feet and must be … Discus fish are very fussy about their surroundings, so a small or congested aquarium may discourage them for breeding. This article has been viewed 195,858 times. To see a discus pair with tens to hundreds of small little fish feeding from their parents is a spectacular sight. What this does is takes the water coming in from your source and pressurizes it, pushing it through your arrow system and increasing your filtered water output. If the adult discus start to fight with one another, use a net to separate them, or move to different tanks. Thanks a lot! Heater The discus in the tank with the frequent 100% water changes grew out faster and larger than their siblings who received fewer frequent water changes. They also clean off dead eggs that turn white to prevent bacteria from spreading to fertilized eggs. Last Updated: July 30, 2020 In addition, they prefer slightly soft and slightly acidic water; a pH of 6.5 to 7.0 is ideal and tank temperature should be 84 degrees. What you want to avoid is changing things drastically that can increase stress loads. Je ne suis pas trop chaud pour l'artisanal. Live or plastic plants are great additions for landscaping and providing hiding areas for the discus. A few extras that got me along the way, if you have low water pressure, you will need ro water booster pump. Approved. Aquarium de reproduction pour discus : Simple et efficace. Discus Fish Reproduction and Lifespan. Chez lui, son bac a un pH à 6,5 et d'autres a 6,8 et ils ont une eau claire. Discus burns can become infected, use a heater that come with protective covers. At the least, you should transfer them to their own tank where they will not pass on diseases or, eventually, breed with healthy fish. Look for a more comprehensive aquarium kit that provides some or all of the testing tools in the steps below. Usually, chlorine is added when you add new water so no need to add more chlorine. I found that using an air valve to control the flow of air from the air pump to the sponge filter as turbulent water can decrease the fertilization rate. Since we can always go smaller, let's breakdown a larger 5 unit reverse osmosis unit: If you do not have deep pockets and want to get the most discus you can for your money, most start with buying smaller juvenile discus. You should wait until the eggs hatch because they might fall into the drain while you're cleaning the tank. At this point you might want to begin preparing a separate tank, at least a 20 gallon tank to move your discus pair into. Keep water clean and acidic Vous trouverez ici des astuces et bricolages qui vous seront utiles dans votre fishroom.Les objectifs de cette rubrique sont les suivants :- Vous aider par des conseils pratiques pour réussir vos travaux sur le bricolage,- Les astuces maisons, conseils et trucs de vieux aquariophiles pour vous faciliter la vie et faire des économies. In this process the Discus have several opportunities to be … Use Oversized Net They will decide when the time is right. To wrap things up, I leave you with an old quote: Deionization: The final stage removes anything else that is left, mostly minerals like calcium, iron, copper, sodium and more. Often referred to as the “king of the aquarium” the Discus fish, in all its regal splendor, will be pleased with the lush, beautiful plant life included in each Discus aquarium plant habitat. Powerhead Don't panic if the wrigglers are lost or eaten by the other discus in the tank. The only change was the amount of water changes per day. Also, add a couple upturned flower pots or PCV pipes to the bottom of the tank so your fish have somewhere to lay eggs. Local or International? Discus will lay eggs on just about anything, it doesn't matter if it's a breeding cone, drift wood or a pink sparkly castle. Here are some reasons why you need clear vertical surfaces: Some strains of discus may tend to display different patterns on the male and female fish, but this is not guaranteed. For example, we are the sole breeders of discus legend Marc Weiss’ original breeding stock in the world. Normally found in small schools, but is territorial during breeding season. Discus fish are widely known to require a lot of care more than any other species of fish. Visibility To create this article, 17 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Il faudra toutefois bien prendre en compte que la filtration proposée demande un certain suivi. The second gotcha is a TDS meter, if you don't have one, get one now, they are not that expensive on Amazon and you will begin to understand just how much stuff is in your water. The female then passes over the nest several times releasing eggs with the male following closely … As the water recedes an the rivers become acidic, healthy well fed discus begin to look for mates. On the 27th of May 1912, in Queens, New York the world record for the Discus Throw was established. Le Discus est un poisson d’eau douce très apprécié des aquariophiles pour ses magnifiques couleurs, sa forme ronde assez rare et son caractère paisible. Male and female form breeding pairs that work together to prepare a nesting site on vertical surfaces such as fallen trees or roots. Température 29° Votre eau :,,,,,, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Thanks, guys. It will be stressful enough to change environments, the last thing you want is to introduce injury. Minimize the possibility of fin tearing or getting your discus stuck in the net. Processed by trusted aquatic food manufacturers, frozen bloodworms offer very little to no risk of poor quality food. As they get close to touching face to face, they immediately tilt downward in a "bowing" motion and continue to swim passed each other. A noter que la reproduction est fréquente dans l’aquarium communautaire mais rarement menée jusqu’au bout. Move Discus During/After Feeding Éleveur de discus depuis une trentaine d’années. Discus Water Requirements. Adding reverse osmosis water is not recommended unless you need to lower conductivity below 200 microsiemens. Use a higher quality oversized net to easily catch and remove your discus from the net. Article L122-4 : Toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayants droit ou ayants cause est illicite. (Donc aucun risque pour qu'il soit frère et sœur). Sommaire Édito La réglementation sur les Déchets d’Équi- pements Électriques et Électroniques est is- sue d’une Directive européenne, la DEEE ; elle s’applique à un spectre de produits de plus en plus large, du ménager au profes- sionnel. By using our site, you agree to our. Renseignez-vous auprès de votre animalerie. Air Stone We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Discus breeding tanks, depending on location of tank, can benefit from blocking out the sides and back of the tank, leaving only the front of the tank clear. Before, he weighed the hearts of those that would enter the afterlife.

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