eurovelo 8 blog

The road was awfully dusty, with bridge after bridge over smaller roads and suburbs, me picking my way through the gravel and broken glass alongside almost stationary traffic. 2°Step di Eurovelo 8 un’avventura in bicicletta di oltre 1300 km da Forte dei Marmi a Valencia. Even when I get caught in the rain and drenched, when my toes are white numb and my fingers won’t release the handlebars, I love it. 14° Giorno da Castellón de la Plana a Valencia, 13° Giorno da Tarragona a Sant Carles de la Ràpita. Next up is an example of why I love travelling alone and with only a very vague itinerary. I was expecting to make this my first night of camping, and by around 3pm was starting to consider whether to ask at a farmhouse or a church for permission to pitch my tent, when I came across Marko’s Flea Market in Mikulići, Croatia. 5 – bicycle lock Click Here. I’m in Podgorica, Montenegro, hanging out with the great folk at while I prepare for the big adventure. Perhaps I’ll love it so much I’ll just continue cycling all summer! Local Bike Shop Nothing but the road broke the continuity. Si chiama EuroVelo 8, e nelle intenzioni di chi l'ha ideata dovrebbe essere una lunga ciclovia capace di collegare varie località europee del Bacino Mediterraneo. I’ve fallen in a habit of finding a spot around 4pm, setting up and eating something by 5, doing the necessary things like washing and such, then writing and reading until the sun is gone. About 8km from the Slovenian border I stopped at a roadside memorial to snack on some tuna and beetroot, when Zoran rolled past on his touring bicycle, panniers and all. Read more here: Week 7 Eurovelo 8 Bike Tour: A Change of Plans. I’d only bought a deck-passenger ticket which entitled me to move about the public spaces on the ship; the bars and restaurants serving overpriced junk food and that didn’t like loitering scruffy cyclists taking up residence on their couches, the cold windy decks, and thankfully a room filled with aeroplane-like seating complete with bony armrests where we cheapskates could take refuge. I offered to contribute my supplies of spinach, tinned fish, and kiwifruit, worried that I was already costing him by eating his excellent food. Showers – tuz” and the old bicycle hanging from a tree. Nella capitale greca è assolutamente imperdibile una visita all’Acropoli, lo straordinario sito archeologico da cui si domina l’intera città. La Vecchia Casa means The Old House, and it is one of the houses in Cetinje remaining from King Nikola’s time. I hope you enjoy reading Cat's adventures as much as I did! I followed the SS 4 from Passo Corese into Rome. He’s a warmshowers and couchsurfing host, has travelled widely, often on a bicycle, and has done the Camino de Santiago trail three times, on three different routes. Read the full bike touring blog here: Biking to Kotor. Below are excerpts from her posts, and there are also links to each original post. He slowed and asked where I was from, which lead to a conversation and exchange of details, along with an invite to stay at his place in the Slovenian town of Ilirska Bistrica, should I pass that way. Organizzazione Randonnée di Pinocchio: 53 km nel paese del burattino più famoso del mondo. (Note: I’m not planning to do any cooking and I am not a bicycle fanatic so those factors helped keep the cost down.). Often people will stay a while, help on some project and then continue along. I repaired that inner tube and set out again. My packing approach tends to be minimalist, but not necessarily austere. Eurovelo 8 è un’avventura in bicicletta di oltre 2.000 km da Rimini ad Atene. Fin out more here: Week 10 Bike touring Spain. Eurovelo 8 in Italia – 316km 05/09/2019. On the other hand, because I wasn’t planning my bike tour I only bought the bare minimum of gear that I thought I would need, and along the way picked up things that I found through experience really were useful, like the handlebar horns, sewing kit and padded cycling shorts. It was pretty much flat cycling. 280 likes. EuroVelo8 Paesi. I propped my bike up out front and wandered up to see if anyone was at home. I’ve been reading a travelogue of the late Anne Mustoe who in her fifties left her headmistress job in England and cycled the world. Jelena also set out on her first bicycle tour alone, and it was the best thing she’s ever done. Eurovelo 2: il percorso delle capitali. A painter by trade, he’s an ideas man who’s house and yard is a collection of rescued materials and inventive projects. A grey sky and misty horizon added to the sense of being stuck in a monochrome film; silver grey, stone grey and storm grey. EuroVelo 8: la ciclovia del Mediterraneo attraverserà anche l’Italia Creato il 18 novembre 2015 da Nonsoloturisti @viaggiatori EuroVelo è un progetto coordinato dalla Federazione ciclistica europea che raggruppa all'interno di 14 rotte internazionali una serie diitinerari da … Already I’ve noticed improvements in my strength and stamina, riding up more hills than before and covering far more distance. a Vittorio Veneto (TV). Eurovelo 8 en Provence. and new art everywhere. (In Montenegro, they have separate stores for all things plastic. Il progetto prevede oltre 70000 km di rete ciclabile di cui più di 40000 km già in essere. Originally, she wrote her blog posts for the Meanderbug website. He was going to explore Europe on a bicycle and sleep in a tent. Flowers and farmhouses, blue skies and greenery everywhere, tumbling white stones and wild flowers making gardens of every bit of road-side land. Gran parte dei percorsi Eurovelo, compreso il numero 8, è in via di sviluppo per ciò Paolo ed Antony dovranno tracciare personalmente l’itinerario da pedalare giorno per giorno. I particularly liked a story that Goran shared with me. Eurovelo 5: via Romea Francigena. I haven’t seen any sights, I haven’t followed any of the recommendations of hosts or travellers to hike to wonderful places or explore nearby towns. Podgorica doesn’t fit it’s unflattering reputation. In Piedmont EuroVelo 8 passes through the areas of Cuneo, Turin, Vercelli and Alessandria. She then amiably walked with me, discreetly escorting me out! No matter how deceptively sunny the days are, it’s still winter. Goran prides himself on knowing all of the secrets of the area, from where to eat, where to swim and where the most beautiful women are. ... Bologna venga infrastrutturata per ciclisti e pedoni per assicurare un collegamento direttissimo tra Bologna e EuroVelo 8 Bicitalia 2 Ciclovia del Po e con la Treviso - Ostiglia, un'altra via verde realizzata seguendo il filo di una vecchia ferrovia militare. I was exhausted by the time I boarded the boat and secured my bike, going up into the main part armed just with a bag of essentials, my sleeping bag and water. By 7 or 8 I’m lying in my sleeping bag, stretching my legs and meditating. Sleeping/yoga mat – to pick up from InterSport on the way out of the city. EuroVelo 8 Mantova - il portale del cicloturismo sul tratto mantovano di EV8. I found another off-season camp-ground down at the beach, just as I was wondering whether it would be possible to camp at the waterfront. La rete EuroVelo attraverserà 43 Paesi, sia membri dell’Unione che extra UE, per un totale di oltre 700.000 chilometri di piste ciclabili, di cui 45.000 sono già esistenti […] The lack of mountains is helping too! It was one of the best rides so far – cruising over 30 kilometres hardly breaking a sweat, on a gentle road following the course of a river, in the sun, with good company. EuroVelo 8 takes you through the most beautiful parts of the Croatian Mediterranean coast and hinterland. 1.90 – 4 x occy straps (aka bungee cords) I spent the day wandering around the city, through the historically-dodgy-but-now-intriguing neighbourhood El Raval, and of course, I checked out one of the Gaudi houses which was definitely dreamy but possibly nightmarish too. Il Portale del Cicloturismo . (bicycle touring spain). After a coffee and a bite to eat, I visited the palace of King Nikola. 5/9 di Cicloturismo in Pomaro, Veneto (Italia). Eurovelo 8: l'itinerario del Mediterraneo Eurovelo Routes detta anche «la strada del Mediterraneo», è una pista ciclabile parte della rete del programma europeo EuroVelo. So Italian! Il percorso fa parte dell'itinerario Mediterraneo Eurovelo 8. Apparently in the days before electric lights and the industrial revolution, there is ample evidence to suggest that most people went to bed early and woke for an hour or two in the middle of the night, and then slept again. Hello! Clearly I needed new tyres too. Along the way we wove our way through a tiny old village to reach a park, climbed down a hidden walkway to land on the prettiest little white-stone beach I’ve ever seen. News. 1 – firestarters La Ciclovia EuroVelo 8 attraversa il territorio di Mantova, dove la maestosità del fiume Po (recentemente riconosciuto come area “MaB” dall’UNESCO) si unisce ad una delle migliori gastronomie a livello nazionale. It’s a loved city. 2017 Eurovelo 8 – 1° parte – Tracciamento percorso da Rimini ad Atene e Maratona di Atene. Looking back on my cycling tour across South Europe, it seems a little debrief would be helpful. It seems to be a common thing, these unattended camp-grounds at this time of year. Il loro obiettivo è infatti quello di completare una sorta di duathlon studiato ed elaborato in autonomia. gives it just two stars, which might be because of the shared downstairs bathroom. Paolo ed Antony attraverseranno ben 3 paesi : Italia, Francia e Spagna. 4500 kilometres from Cadiz to Athens. An early start with my gear wrapped in plastic, again I rode and walked the bike up more mountains. Marko is a Croat who has spent most of his life in Canada, escaping Croatia as a refugee. But I have cycled a lot around Sydney and I know that when I’m on a bicycle, I feel entirely, dizzyingly, free. Clearly the local government and town planners are investing in maintaining and developing it as a place where people want to be, with well-preserved older architecture, innovative uses of space, lots of greenery (the tram-tracks are lush grassy strips!) Bursting into sight was a glorious view of the valley, surrounding snow and pine covered mountains, and the Bay of Kotor beyond. I figure those scary nights wild camping alone in countries that I don’t know will just be another exhilarating “holy $%*#… how on earth will I ever survive this” experience that leaves me a more confident and happier person. Salvo introduced himself and let me in, showed me where to stick my stuff, and invited me up to share in their delicious lunch. Negozio biciclette Eurovelo s.r.l. Blog; Eurovelo; Ultimi news pubblicate. Looking more and more like a penniless cyclist. Required fields are marked *. A sign directed me onto it and Ms Anne Mustoe was right, at least for the first five kilometres. Overnight there was a frost and the condensation inside the tent formed into little droplets lining the walls that rained on me and my bags. Troll country is mountainous desolation strewn with grey stones where I imagine monstrous mythical creatures the color of the rock live in caves and war with each other. I am lucky in the people I’ve met while traveling! I expect to take at least a month, if not more. I haven’t been regularly cycling for some time so I spent much of the way pushing the bike. Once there was an old man and a young man. I pushed my bike into town and sat under a tree to think. And fear aside, as Nike dictates, sometimes you’ve got to “just do it”! Lunga 5.900 chilometri, unisce Cadice in Spagna a Limassol a Cipro. Dave’s Travel Pages has a number of affiliate links placed within the travel blog. I started the morning at 6am with an orange, was pushing my bicycle up a mountain by 6:30am, riding through troll country until 9:30am when I finally reached civilization in the form of Senj and had a proper sandwich with coffee for breakfast. (In Montenegro, Sports Vision is a gold mine.) I arrived to the big house in Padova with a messy yard and yelled “Ciao! Paolo ha attraversato ben 7 paesi sempre pedalando lungo la costa del Mar Adriatico: Italia, Slovenia, Croazia, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Montenegro, Albania e Grecia. Full post here: Balkan Wilderness Camping. Zana’s friend met with me later in the evening to direct me along the best route out of Cetinje. Bicycle Touring Italy – Week 4 Cycling the Eurovelo Route 8, Week 7 Eurovelo 8 Bike Tour: A Change of Plans, Ferries from Milos to other Greek islands in the Cyclades, How to travel from Mykonos to Sikinos island by ferry, Mykonos to Sifnos Ferry Services, Routes, and Schedules. my love! Just as I loaded it all onto my bike and started to roll out of the bush, the rear tyre went flat. I have very little to write about! Slovenia is a stunning place for cyclists. Le tracce GPS dell'itinerario cicloturistico Eurovelo 8, la rotta del Mediterraneo tra Cadiz in Spagna e Atene in Grecia That little voice of mine hasn’t let me into irreparable damage yet, so I’m going to trust it. I’m ok with that though – it was day one and the important thing is that I didn’t stop! I’m going to start looking out for them as a free camping option. Check out my post trip review of bike touring gear here: Bike touring gear review, Filed Under: Meet The Cyclists - Travel Blogs, Your email address will not be published. Scarica la traccia GPS e segui il percorso su una mappa. Throughout the autumn our colleague Aleksander Buczyński, the ECF’s Infrastructure Officer, is using EuroVelo 19 – Meuse Cycle Route to take a closer look at route planning. I’d been told that the people one meets on Warmshowers are unfailingly amazing, and this, my second experience being hosted, only confirms it. ), delicious food and even better company, Barcelona has me hooked. Croatia must be secret code for beautiful country. After that it disintegrated into a soggy dirt track, and then ended entirely, putting me back on the ordinary road. Filtra la ricerca per Categorie : Tag : Date. Read more here: Week 9 Bicycle touring the Mediterannean. Pásate por nuestras páginas para más información sobre cicloturismo: ️ Blog: ️ Facebook: Con Alforjas ️ Seguimos nuestras rutas con este GPS. Dal porto di Atene, il Pireo, un servizio regolare di traghetti porta a Limassol, nella parte greca di Cipro. With half an hour till closing I smiled my way into free admission, feeling like a naughty child running around the rooms of this enormous extravagant home, snapping photos until the attendant found me and told me that photos weren’t allowed. So it’s not been a waste at all. Informazioni. EuroVelo 8 dissects northern Italy from east to west, and a cycle trip will allow you to get a real understanding of this region. I’ve even been known to let out a few loud ‘wooohoooooo’s, throwing a fist in the air when coasting down mountains. 143 – Polar Trinity mountain bike (Serbian made, seems to work fine to me, don’t know much about it) Today marks a full week on the road, if you count the three day stop in Risan. He’s a middle-aged dad who’s worked in hospitality and tourism all his life. I had many things that people who start out with the intention of traveling by bicycle don’t bring, such as the boots, the art materials, perfume and jeans. Your email address will not be published. Every neighbourhood has a “rambla” – a pedestrian road with outdoor dining, art, and often big shady trees. Water bottles, wet wipes, garbage bags. I had enough space for everything and didn’t regret them because they brought a little indulgence and comfort to what can become a fairly austere lifestyle. To put into words what attracted me about Barcelona is like trying to capture the grandeur of the Taj Mahal on Polaroid film, but I’ll try. Una volta arrivato in città, dopo aver percorso oltre 2.000 km in bicicletta, Paolo ha affrontato la mitica Maratona di Atene. Due to a restructure of their pages, I was asked to keep her story alive by hosting her blog posts here instead. 2.30 – torch Finally when he returned the old man was satisfied. EuroVelo, la rete ciclabile europea, è un progetto del ECF (European Cyclists' Federation teso a sviluppare una rete di 15 itinerari ciclabili di lunga percorrenza attraverso tutto il continente europeo. Today, I sprinted along stretches of inland wilderness, reaching the bustling city of Sibernik just after lunch. Then he sent me off with a hug and good wishes for my future. In April 2018, he cycled 2,650 km along Eurovelo routes 11, 8, 5, 7 through Greece and Italy, capturing the sounds of fantastic locations along the way and creating a song with this material – and in September of the … News. (Biking Italy), Read more here: Bicycle Touring Italy – Week 4 Cycling the Eurovelo Route 8. Jelena was the best host one could wish for, she kept me well-fed, entertained and relaxed. The route Eurovelo 8, is dedicated to the exploration of the northern Mediterranean coast, with 5,900 kilometers of cycle route from Cadiz, in Spain, up to Cyprus, passing through France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Greece.. The old capital is picturesque and cultured, no half-finished buildings like in the new capital and plenty of pedestrians out and about despite the drizzle. You don’t have to feel competition. Si tratta della ciclovia europea dalle maggiori potenzialità che una volta completata si stima genererà un impatto economico di 3.8 miliardi di Euro, 200 milioni di viaggio in bici giornalieri e 2.3 milioni di pernotti all’anno. Below are the items I packed and some of what I learned and would do next time related to bicycle touring gear. Her experiences are sure to both inspire and inform others planning a similar tour along the Eurovelo 8 route. Eurovelo 8 in Francia – 738 km 05/09/2019. Il progetto è volto a sostenere e promuovere la mobilità sostenibile, alternativa: Paolo ed Antony avranno il delicato compito di sensibilizzare sul tema le persone che incontreranno sul loro cammino. A little disappointing. Di cicloturismo in data 05/09/2019. I’m sitting in a sun-filled living room while three Italian guys play bongo drums to Bob Marley in a haze of smoke, two dogs dance, and a green-eyed girl whose name I can’t pronounce sits quietly typing away, sipping sweet black coffee. Eurovelo 9: dal Baltico all’Adriatico. I love the story – travelling (and living life generally) is all about finding that balance between enjoyment and focus. I’ve found that I’m enjoying the intermittent inland detours that the road takes. But here, take this spoon and let me fill it with water, and be careful not to spill it. It means there is a built-in flexible schedule. Three years later and countless stories from a surprising number of other bicycle tourists, and I’ve had a little internal voice persisting at me to do the same. There’s something in the air in this city, a freshness, a liveliness, I don’t know exactly what, but I connect with it. Half an hour later I was back on the road, having patched the inner tube and reassembled the wheel myself. 180 kilometres between Meyrargues and Cannes. My bicycle touring rolls on. He sent him back again with the spoon full of water. Il percorso “Eurovelo 8”, fa parte del sistema europeo di piste ciclabili che ambisce a collegare tutto il continente con itinerari appositamente pensati per la bici. One of the beautiful things about traveling solo is that you don’t have to follow anyone else’s schedule. Easter Sunday was a big day. Valencia è il punto di arrivo del 2°step di Eurovelo 8, ma l’avventura di Paolo ed Antony non finirà qui. Eurovelo 4: il percorso dell’Europa Centrale. If I pass by again I’ll make sure to come loaded with something to share, something better than spinach and fruit. After a false start yesterday, when it quickly became apparent that I had to use panniers to lower my centre of gravity before I’d feel steady on the road, by 10am I was off to a strong start in the sunshine. Percorso Eurovelo 8. This time the young man was able to enjoy all of the beauty of the world, while maintaining just enough focus to prevent the water spilling from the spoon. Despite having intended to avoid paying for accommodation, I booked a room at La Vecchia Casa. Eurovelo 8 en Provence. City bike, articoli ginnici, accessori e indumenti sportivi. Domokos, Termpopili, Tebe sono solo alcuni dei luoghi storici più belli che si attraversano lungo il percorso. L'itinerario ciclabile Eurovelo 8, la rotta del Mediterraneo attraversa undici nazioni, decine di città meritevoli di una visita ma soprattutto percorre migliaia di chilometri di costa del mare Nostrum per un totale di circa 5900 km.Molte delle strade percorse sono tutt'ora promiscue e a volte anche piuttosto trafficate, soprattutto nel periodo estivo. This was his little Balkan birthday celebration. Biciclette da corsa e mountain bike Pinarello, Trek, Specialized e Bottecchia. I’ll treasure it forever), Local Hardware Store 41 – North Face sleeping bag (at that price, I had to get it! I was feeling forlorn at that point, and certainly looked the part. Win win – we like that! Eurovelo 8 Bike Touring In 2014, Cat cycled from Montenegro through to Spain. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. L’isola è infatti divisa in due da quando, nel 1974, l’esercito turco ne invase la parte nord, instaurando una repubblica indipendente. My dear little bicycle had been faithfully steady for over two months of heavy-duty work, and I had always intended to give her away at the end, and anticipated that she might not make it all the way through Spain. Marko’s house is crammed with interesting things, pictures and postcards and prints plastered on every surface. Eurovelo 8 in Italia – 316km. Snow started appearing on the slopes and the air grew noticeably crisper. Maps can’t convey what landscapes hold in store for the traveller. It was certainly the most charming. I was kicking myself for setting up such a rushed cycle because the scenery was gorgeous and I barely got to see it. Then heading northwest down a mountain road with spectacular scenery towards Risan, where I have a contact ready to take me in and show me around.

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